Cog Quiz

Week 2 - Answer

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Level 1

jkEnableSaber(player, damage, lengthOfCollision, someFlex);

This will turn on the collision of the saber clashes. If this is missing, the sabers won't hurt anything nor create any flashes. To turn it off this function, use jkDisableSaber(player);

Level 2

The message autoselect gets called when the verb

AutoSelectWeapon(player, int);

is used or the player presses the weapon key(1 to 0). When sent from AutoSelectWeapon();, the ReturnEx in the autoselect: message will be the value of AutoSelectWeapon(); in the cog.

See weapon cogs for more info.

Level 3

GetSenderRef(); in autoselect: message is the second parameter received from AutoSelectWeapon(player, int);.

It can be anything but in LEC cogs, it's distinguished by 0, 1 or 2 for picking up ammo, changing weapon, picking up the gun and switching to that weapon or respawning. So it can check for auto-pickup, auto-change weapon and such.

When selected from weapon keys, it will return "-1".