Cog Quiz

Week 6 - Quiz

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Level 1

I'd like to make a simple zoom scope in JK's limited engine by using cogs that can zoom in and out as you hold the button. List any verbs and messages that you want to use to accomplish this. And since I found FireProjectile() was the best verb to create my zoom camera thing, consider it using. If you want, explain why.

Level 2

To change to the view far away from the player, it is a good idea to use SetCameraFocus().

Considering pitching and movements of the player to keep the fired camera object in the line of sight of the player, so the zoom view will follow the player, think of a way to accomplish this. This means you must synchronize the player line of sight all the time because attaching cameras do not work for pitching.

Level 3

To zoom, you can create the camera at a more far place, unzoom is to a closer place. Variable integers and vectors to use with the distance might come in handy.

   FireProjectile(player, templateToFire, sound, key, distanceFromPlayer, PYRtoChange, int, flag, aim, aim);

This will fire a template from a thing facing the thing's PYR. Write the cog.