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Creating new HotKeys for items



In this tutorial I'm going to tell how to create a new HotKey for a custom item.

I assume that you have already made your new item ready to be HotKey'ed.


First open up an items.dat. At the end of the file, you'll see entries up to 115, if none is added already. And ignore the 150th entry.

Copy and paste the line of 115th entry to just below it.

Change 115 to 116, so it should look like this.

   goal15      115      0   1000   0x040
   goal15      116      0   1000   0x040

Change 1000, to 1. And 0x040 to 0x100.

Note 1 : If the item is an inventory item(which you want to make it appear in the item bar and want to activate as well), change the flag to 0x102. If it's a new force power change it to 0x108. (Check jkspec in the flag section for any other flag needs to be set for your item to work properly.)

Then, change goal15 to any name that you want for noting.

Note 2 : If you have made or willing to make a bm file(appears in the item bar and on top right corner of the screen), make sure to change the name with a rule.

Rule : The name of the bm file must include the first 5 letters of the name shown in the items.dat with a format of this "icXXXXX8.bm" and icXXXXX16.bm". Where as the first 5 letters of the name goes into XXXXX.

For example, look at the 28th entry (f_absorb) and use conman to check the name of the bm file within the res1hi.gob. It should have files called "icf_abs8.bm" and "icf_abs16.bm".

And last add the cog of the item to be used on the right end.

New_Item 116 0 1 0x102 cog=new_items.cog

Save and exit items.dat.


Open jkstrings.ui. Scroll down until you see this

"ACTIVATE16" 0 "Field Light"

Again copy and paste this line to just below.

"ACTIVATE17" 0 "New Item"

The name in here will affect the name shown in the HotKey setup screen.

That's all.


This is it for the edit. Launch JK and you will see a HotKey selectable new item shown in HotKey setup.

Last notes :

1. The new HotKeys are only allowed 3 maximum.(Replacing others - like original force powers - doesn't count) More are allowed for MotS but not for JK.

2. The reason that the JK knows ACTIVATE17 is the new item is that JK counts the entries in the items.dat with flag 0x100, and it's the 17th from the top.

So, if you place new entry between other 0x100 flagged entries, be sure to change the order in the jkstring because all HotKey will be pushed by 1 in game below the new one. In this tutorial's case, no problem.

3. Make sure to place right flags in the items.dat, so everything goes smooth.




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